
The Night of Prayers

On the 27th of March was conducted very interesting event which is called "The Night of Prayers". Lots of students of FEFU (Far Eastern Federal University), VSUES (Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service) and other universities, citizens, businessmen and chancellors of FENU and VSUES came to present their condolences to the Japan ambassador and people of Japan.

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Vladivostok Prays For Japan

The 2011 Sendai earthquake and tsunami, literally "Tōhoku region Pacific Ocean offshore earthquake") was a 9.0 M. mega thrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14:46 pm (15:46 Vladivostok time) on 11 March 2011. The earthquake triggered a tsunami with waves high as 10m and washed 10km inland.

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The Coordinator of the X International Conference is Announced


Dear MUNRFE Clubs and Associates!

As the result of the XVIII Presidents Council in Khabarovsk, honored Khabarovsk MUNRFE Club became a kind of center for MUNRFE Activities for the year 2011, and one of the major events that is going to be conducted in beautiful Khabarovsk city is the Anniversary, X International MUNRFE Conference!

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Call for FireStarter 2011 Regional Coordinators


Honorable MUNRFE members!

In view of the fact that this summer in August we will have an interesting and exciting project - FireStarter 2011, Natalia Grigorovitch, its Coordinator, with the great pleasure, officially opens a call for regional coordinators!


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Call for II RC Secretariat is OPENED!


The first MUNRFE Conference ever conducted was not International. 50 delegates simulated the work of 3 committees in Khabarovsk in early February of 2002. It was the first MUNRFE Regional Conference (RC). And after 9 years we will revitalize this concept and conduct the II Regional Conference in early May and again it will be conducted in Khabarovsk.


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Vladivostok Club Met With Japanese Ambassador


On the 28th of February, the Vladivostok club had a great opportunity. They met with the Japanese ambassador. During the meeting were discussed the questions of cultural influence both countries on each other, the outlooks of further contribution between the countries after conducting the APEC Summit in Vladivostok in 2012. Moreover, was discussed the future plans about APEC Youth Summit and etc.

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